ElevenStudios API Documentation

Welcome to the ElevenStudios Platform, designed to empower developers and musicians alike. Our APIs allow you to integrate ElevenStudios’ powerful AI-driven music creation tools directly into your applications. To access our APIs, simply generate an [API Key] from your personal dashboard within the ElevenStudios platform. This key is required for authenticating all API requests.


Below is a comprehensive list of available API calls, each tailored to provide robust features for your music projects.

Base URL: https://api.elevenstudios.org

1. Generate Music Track

  • Endpoint: /generate-track
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • text_prompt (string): The descriptive text input that guides the music generation.
  • genre (string, optional): The desired genre for the music track (e.g., “rock”, “jazz”).
  • duration (int, optional): The length of the generated track in seconds.

2. Edit Audio Track

  • Endpoint: /edit-track
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_id (string): The ID of the track to be edited.
  • edit_instructions (string): Detailed instructions for editing the track (e.g., “increase tempo”, “add reverb”).

3. Mix Tracks

  • Endpoint: /mix-tracks
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_ids (array of strings): A list of track IDs to be mixed.
  • mix_type (string, optional): The type of mix (e.g., “crossfade”, “blend”).

4. Get Track Info

  • Endpoint: /track-info
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_id (string): The ID of the track.

5. Delete Track

  • Endpoint: /delete-track
  • Method: DELETE
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_id (string): The ID of the track to be deleted.

6. Get All Tracks

  • Endpoint: /all-tracks
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • user_id (string): The ID of the user whose tracks you want to retrieve.

7. Generate Sound Effect

  • Endpoint: /generate-sfx
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • text_prompt (string): The descriptive text input that guides the sound effect generation.
  • duration (int, optional): The length of the sound effect in seconds.

8. Search Music Library

  • Endpoint: /search-library
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • query (string): Keywords for searching the music library.
  • genre (string, optional): Filter results by genre.

9. Upload Audio File

  • Endpoint: /upload-file
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • file (file): The audio file to be uploaded.
  • file_type (string): The type of the file (e.g., “wav”, “mp3”).

10. Download Track

  • Endpoint: /download-track
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_id (string): The ID of the track to be downloaded.
  • format (string, optional): The desired file format (e.g., “mp3”, “wav”).

11. List Available Genres

  • Endpoint: /list-genres
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.

12. Get Audio Analysis

  • Endpoint: /audio-analysis
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_id (string): The ID of the track to be analyzed.
  • analysis_type (string): The type of analysis required (e.g., “frequency”, “tempo”).

13. Apply Audio Filter

  • Endpoint: /apply-filter
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • track_id (string): The ID of the track to be filtered.
  • filter_type (string): The type of filter to apply (e.g., “high-pass”, “low-pass”).
  • intensity (int, optional): The intensity of the filter effect (scale of 1-10).

14. Generate Album Cover

  • Endpoint: /generate-cover
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • text_prompt (string): The descriptive text input that guides the album cover generation.
  • style (string, optional): The visual style for the album cover (e.g., “abstract”, “vintage”).

15. Create Playlist

  • Endpoint: /create-playlist
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
  • api_key (string): Your unique API Key.
  • name (string): The name of the playlist.
  • track_ids (array of strings): A list of track IDs to be included in the playlist.

We are currently developing JavaScript and Python SDKs to streamline the integration process. These SDKs will incorporate the full range of API functionalities, making it easier than ever to leverage the power of ElevenStudios in your applications. Stay tuned for updates in our Blog!